Leading the Learning: Engaging Young Citizens Through Science

When: Friday, October 25, 2024

Where: Courtyard Marriott, 75 Felton Street, Marlborough, MA

Keynote Speaker: Derek McDowell

Leader As Coach

Dr. McDowell has expertise in instructional coaching models, the change process, backwards planning design and high-yield instructional strategies. He is an accomplished science education leader on multiple levels as he sits on the board of the Dallas Fort Worth Science Supervisors, is current Past President of Texas SELA, and is an NSELA board member as the current Region D Director. Presentation Slides, Link to Keynote Resources


Alison Riordan -Director, OpenSciEd Massachusetts Community (OSE Mass): What is OpenSciEd and will it work for my district/school? Presentation Slides

Elizabeth Warren-STEAM Coordinator, Framingham Public Schools: Supporting Multilingual Learners and High Needs Students through Science Notebooks

Katie Clarke, Westwood Public Schools: Leveraging AI for Enhanced STEM Instruction: Presentation Slides

Katherine McNeill, PhD, Boston College: Customizing curriculum to increase student voice and perspective: Presentation Slides, Resource 1, Resource 2, Resource 3

Mark DeGirolamo, Mansfield High School: Field Ecology:  Incorporating science curriculum into field-based investigations

Meto Raha-STEM English Language Learner Content Support Specialist, DESE: Tap into the Phenomenal Young Mind to Go Beyond Engagement to the Heart of Science: Presentation Slides

Michael Barnett, Boston College: Building capacity through authentic community-focused STEM projects leveraging youth mentorship: Presentation Slides

Dr. Sarah Nelson, Appalachian Mountain Club and Anna Cynar, Innovation Academy Charter School: The Dragonfly Mercury Project in the Merrimack River Watershed: Participatory science to inform risk in environmental justice communities

Engaging Students in Citizen Science Panel - Rachel Stronach (Executive Director, Lloyd Center for the Environment), Molly Jacobs (Vice President for Environmental Education and Outreach, Manomet Conservation Services), and Katharine Hinkle (Manager of Youth Education, Harvard Forest): Presentation Slides Manomet, Wade and Harvest Forest

Registration is closed.

Registration includes MSELA annual membership dues, access to all sessions, keynote, plenary; breakfast, and lunch.

Acceptable forms of payment include checks, credit cards, and purchase orders.

Early Bird Registration (up to September 30th) - $175

Registration October 1st through October 15th - $200

Registration after October 16th - $225

Onsite Registration - $250 - check only